Bad Breath Cure

You must brush and floss after each meal, If you still have halitosis/bad breath or tonsil stones despite having healthy teeth, gums, I advise patients from my clinic to read the research from Oraltech Labs, as I had no idea what the cause of their bad breath was and I didn’t want to embarrass both of us by telling the client without having a cure for them. I can report that most clients return visits have undetectable Halitosis/bad breath. So if all else fails try Oraltech Labs. Dr James Parson for USA & UK Association of Dental Health

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Bad Breath Cure

You must brush and floss after each meal, If you still have halitosis/bad breath or tonsil stones despite having healthy teeth, gums, I advise patients from my clinic to read the research from Oraltech Labs, as I had no idea what the cause of their bad breath was and I didn’t want to embarrass both of us by telling the client without having a cure for them. I can report that most clients return visits have undetectable Halitosis/bad breath. So if all else fails try Oraltech Labs. Dr James Parson for USA & UK Association of Dental Health

Other helpful sites below.

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Bad Breath or Halitosis

While I was talking with my Dentist, she told me this-When I notice a client has halitosis/bad breath or tonsil stones despite having healthy teeth, I advise the client to visit the site of Oraltech Labs as I had no idea what the cause of their bad breath was and I didn’t want to embarrass both of us. I can report that most clients return visits have undetectable Halitosis/bad breath. So if all else fails direct them to Oraltech Labs. Now I can offer them a solution. I hope this end your problem too. USA & UK. Association of Dental Health

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